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Date of Publication: 10/10/2022

Date of Actualisation: 29/09/2023

Through this website, we collect personal data necessary for the management, use and maintenance of some of our services.

We inform you that the owner of the website (Data Controller) complies with the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5th December, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter, LOPDGDD), the EU Regulation 2016/679, General Data Protection (hereinafter, RGPD) and other regulations in force and applicable at all times, thus ensuring the correct use and processing of the Personal Data of the 1User

In accordance with Article 13 of the RGPD and Article 11 of the LOPDGDD, this Privacy Policy applies to the processing of personal data that INNOVATIVE MINDSET, S.L. (hereinafter, BEIN MINDSET) performs as Data Controller, in relation to the data that users and/or customers (individuals) provide as a result of the request for information and/or contracting of services and/or products provided and marketed through this website, or collected in any of the sections of this page.

Identity of the person responsible for the processing of your personal data

Purposes of the Processing of Personal Data

Any Personal Data will be used for the generic purpose of management and control of the commercial relationship established between User and Data Controller, and specifically to:


1 Technical language referring to any person who “uses” the website.

BEIN MINDSET will not process the User’s Personal Data for any other purpose beyond those described above, unless it is required by law, or there is a judicial and/or administrative requirement that implies a processing of data for purposes other than those described above.

Retention period

The provided User’s Personal Data will be kept and processed for as long as the contractual relationship with the User is maintained, without prejudice for the possibility of exercising their data protection rights. The data may also be kept for the time necessary to comply with legal obligations applicable to the Data Controller.

The personal data of the User in receiving commercial information and newsletters will be kept indefinitely provided that the User concerned does not request deletion of their data or express their opposition to the sending of commercial communications in written form.

Legitimation of Data Processing

BEIN MINDSET processes the Personal Data of interested parties in accordance with the following legal basis: Consent of the interested party (1); execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures (2); and legitimate interest (3)

1. The consent of the User, provided for the purposes described above, which will be requested:

– Before proceeding to process their data,

– In the registration/contracting process as a customer or,

– At the time of sending BEIN MINDSET’s commercial communications.

Requests for information sent to BEIN MINDSET by the User require that said Users voluntarily provide BEIN MINDSET with the necessary information to be able to respond to such requests. However, the Users are free to refuse to provide such data or, subsequently, to revoke the consent previously granted. In these cases, the refusal to provide Personal Data will make it impossible to respond to requests from Users and the revocation of the consent given will not affect the processing based on the consent of the person concerned made before it was revoked.

2. The processing of data by BEIN MINDSET is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the User is a party, or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the User This legal basis shall apply if the user purchases products or contracts services via our website.

3. BEIN MINDSET’s legitimate interest in maintaining and building customer and/or user loyalty and to better meet their expectations or interests previously expressed, for example: to improve the products and/or services offered; manage requests, queries or complaints; offer products similar to those contracted; inform about promotions and discounts in place, among others. All of the aforementioned shall be understood to be without prejudice to BEIN MINDSET’s compliance with the rest of the obligations related to the sending of commercial communications by electronic means regulated by Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on information society services and electronic commerce.

BEIN MINDSET understands that, by providing them with Personal Data, the User concerned guarantees and is responsible for the truthfulness, timeliness and accuracy of the same, and that he/she accepts and expressly consents to its processing for the purposes described above.


Purpose: BEIN MINDSET makes available to the Data Subject a contact form/email address/online platform where they can send their resumés in order to participate in the personnel selection processes and thereby analyse the profile of the applicant with the aim of selecting one or more candidates for the vacant position(s). CVs received through these channels will be deleted in the event that there is no vacancy or there is no active selection process, and the company will be informed of this circumstance. If a resumé is received when there is no active selection process and BEIN MINDSET, after receiving and reading said resume, intends to keep it because it is interested in the candidate’s profile, they will be informed of this circumstance, respecting, in any case, the retention periods defined in this section. They may also be incorporated into the HR database.


The legal basis for the processing of Personal Data contained in resumés is based on the performance of a contract to which the Data Subject is a party, or for the implementation at the request of the interested party of pre-contractual measures (Article 6.1.b GDPR) or by the consent of the data subject (Article 6.1.a GDPR).

Duration and Conservation:

The data will be kept in the HR database for the duration of the selection process and, in any case, for a maximum period of 6 months.

International data transfers: Data will be transferred to third parties who have access to personal data processed by the person responsible for the processing, in order to comply with the legal obligations applicable to the person responsible (public authorities) and/or contractual obligations (collaborators with whom the corresponding data processor contracts have been signed). Under no circumstances will international data transfers be carried out, except for the cases contemplated in the section on international transfers of this Privacy Policy.


Candidates may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability with respect to their personal data in the manner set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Recipients of Assignments or International Transfers:

In general, BEIN MINDSET will not transfer any personal data to third parties unless legally required to do so or unless the Data Subject has expressly authorized it when using their services and/or products.

BEIN MINDSET will not make international transfers of personal data collected through this website, in exception of the following cases:

In any event, in the cases in which international data transfers may take place, BEIN MINDSET will verify that the country importing the data guarantees an adequate level of protection in application of the regulations in force. 

Rights of Data Subjects:

Data protection regulations allow the interested parties to exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition, erasure (“right to be forgotten”), limitation of processing, portability and the right not to be subject to individualized decisions before the person responsible for the processing. Such rights are detailed below:

If the Users wish to exercise any of the above rights, please contact BEIN MINDSET using the contact details provided in “Identification of the person responsible for the processing of Personal Data”, including the following information: Name and surname, ID card number, postal and/or e-mail contact address, indicating the type of right and specifying the conditions of this right. BEIN MINDSET may also ask for additional information, to verify the interested party’s identity.

Possibility of Filing a Claim to the Controlling Authority:

BEIN MINDSET also informs Users of their right to file a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( if they consider that the processing carried out does not comply with current regulations.

Additional Information


BEIN MINDSET recommends the use of this website to persons over 18 years of age. If minors under the age of 14 access this website, the consent of the minor’s parents, guardians or legal representatives will be required in order that their personal data be processed. The parents, guardians or legal representatives of the minor shall be solely responsible for the contents to which the minor may have access when visiting the BEIN MINDSET website.

Social Networks

BEIN MINDSET may have profiles in different social networks. It is also possible that the user can access the private spaces that may exist on this website through their accounts on social networks, instead of accessing with a username and password. In these cases, users who provide their personal data with the information available through their account and/or user profile on social networks are informed that this is responsible for the data processing carried out, unless expressly informed of other conditions in a particular treatment.

Retention of Certain Data

BEIN MINDSET informs that, in compliance with the provisions of Law 25/2007, of October 18, on the conservation of data relating to electronic communications and public communications networks, it must retain, and conserve certain traffic data generated during the development of communications to transfer them to the authorized authorities, when the legal circumstances foreseen therein occur.

Registered data

BEIN MINDSET servers automatically collect information when the user accesses the services of the websites. This log data may include the IP address, the identification of the device from which the BEIN MINDSET website is accessed, the operating system used, and the configuration of the device, among others.

Security measures

The user is informed that the owner of the website (Data Controller) has implemented the necessary technical and organisational security measures to ensure the security of their personal data and avoid its alteration, loss and treatment, and/or unauthorized access, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or the physical or natural environment. Likewise, additional measures have been established to reinforce the confidentiality and integrity of the personal information held by BEIN MINDSET, maintaining continuous supervision, control and evaluation of the processes to ensure respect for data privacy.


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