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Evaluate and manage the commitment of the organization to DEI Standards. Extend risk management to include DEI.


Initiate the verification process and validate the results.

Get Be(in)® Certification

Communicate your achievements. Complete non-financial reports. Meet reporting requirements and drive change.

Be(in)® Certification is an assurance that the maturity level of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion management is accurate and demonstrable.

It is a seal which identifies organizations that are committed to social impact. This certification provides a detailed overview of the achieved results.

A seal to identify organizations committed to social impact.

A certificate with blockchain technology to guarantee its veracity.

Get certified with guarantees 

The DEI Standard Index® aligned with international DEI standards

Verification process by qualified professionals

Make data-driven decisions

Complete the questionnaire, and access the dashboard and report, including strengths and areas for improvement

Measures evolution over time

It’s easy and fast

No knowledge of certifications is required to complete the questionnaire

The DEI Standard Index® can be completed in just 4 hours and, depending on the size of the organization, certification can be obtained in less than a month.

With the support and endorsement of

According to the European Data Protection Regulation

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